Apr 26Liked by GL Hendricks

The summer of 2021 Franklin Graham came to our town. I thought it was amazing and he flat called out the LGBQT nonsense! After that I emailed him/staff, knowing he doesn't read them, with a word of thanks and praise. To my amazement I got a reply quickly. We went back and forth a couple of times. Then I read an article about Mr. Graham promoting rona vaccines! I was livid! I wrote his staff and said basically Mr. Graham really needs to do some research on vaccines as a whole, but definitely a vaccine that took 4 months to create when all previous attempts failed MISERABLY!!! Deaths are on his hands because so many people (unlike with Trump) will rush out to get them respecting his word. Bottom line NO ONE should be promoting them, but definitely not a Godly man who should know our immune systems were created by God and He doesn't need help with our immune systems. (Nor the weather I'll add for this!) They responded back something polite and I responded back with I'd basically lost all respect. I also added the verse about us not putting our trust in men. They will always let you down. It wasn't very long after that guess what...Mr. Franklin had to take a break from that tour because of heart issues. Hmmmm Then within 6 months of that he was saying if Trump doesn't change his tune about pushing warp speed it'll hurt his campaign. I wanted to email them so bad, but thought no...God dealt with that. Are they still doing nasal swabs at that airport? Not that I will EVER fly again! No thanks. There's no where I need to go! I don't trust vax'd pilots nor the fact every other day you read about plane malfunctions. No one gives a care about their jobs anymore. Companies don't respect their employees and vice versa. I a 1000% believe if ALL jobs would ban personal cellphones on them productivity would go up IMMENSELY! Alot of people don't do a good try because their focus is on texting, changing the music, or social media. If a company needs them to have a cellphone they should provide it and state...these are for work ONLY! No apps. No texting family. No music. I'm tired of everyone on their phones 24/7/365. I don't even look at mine in a waiting room or restaurant unless someone calls or I'm looking up something specific. Like if my husband says while we are at a restaurant waiting for food...hey is there anything on at the movies? I definitely don't use it in my car. I said during the scamdemic on fascistbook when I had it..."All you idiots are worried about the flu killing you, but have no problem driving 80 mph down the highway looking at your cell phones!" Technology has dummed people down, as far as common sense, so bad it hurts.

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I've heard some not so good things about Franklin and his father having to do with kids but I can't confirm it. Franklin also gave a thumbs up to a place called VooDoo Donuts that "may" have a nefarious background. I have not done a deep dive on all of this yet but I did notice that one of their donuts appears to have a pedo symbol on it. Many things and people are not what they seem and as time goes by we see people being outed as bad guys. So, the vaccine thing with Franklin does not surprise me, many people in the church, especially Christian, are infiltrated.....sad times.

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Apr 26Liked by GL Hendricks

Isn't that pathetic that nothing surprises us anymore?! Very sad times indeed. Especially when influencers and only fans people are making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year! Going to hell in hand basket fits appropriately.

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Yes it sure is. I think the world is in for ALOT of surprises in the next while and I think many of us will be shocked, horrified and sickened. There's a dark force out there what wants to hurt and kill us and the scamdemic and the jabs are just a fraction of what they have done and what they plan to do. I lost my brother in this battle and my job. I want to see justice. Think the Grahams might be bad? Wait until truths about the Vatican come out.....

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27Liked by GL Hendricks

I am sorry about your brother and your job! I've known for a long time about the Vatican. I've NEVER supported the Catholic faith period. Or any other religion that is not solely based on the Bible! God's Bible...not some book written by someone who believes God needed a hand adjusting the original! No where in the Bible does it say to pray to Mother Mary nor saints. They are like Mormons...yes some are really good people who mean well, but the Bible is CLEAR about false God's etc! Even some Baptists believe dancing is wrong. I haven't found that in the Bible either. Church of Christ doesn't use musical instruments. I haven't found that in the Bible either. And maybe they are and I missed it, but I know praying to Mary or anything else is wrong. When the Pope or ANY other pastor/religion is condoning LGBQT you KNOW something evil is lurking! The Bible on MANY occasions warns us of those sins. I saw a video of the Pope during the scamdemic where he was going by a crowd cheering him on and one lady grabbed his hand in absolute admiration on her face and he yanked it back and slapped the holy living snot out of her hand! I'm not holier than thou and I'd jumped that railing and smacked him back into reality! It still angers me to think of that video! 😡 Especially the hurt look on her face! Do not put your faith in man! It is an honor and a privilege to get to preach, teach, spread the word of God! It is commanded by God we do so! It does NOT make you a God!

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Well said, and I remember seeing the video of the pope slapping that woman's hand....terrible.

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